Hi, How are you ?
This is factory report from Orange Forest.
Now we refine the Marine Lamp and the new Lamp is made by sculpted Prim.
Always ON / blink / Off mode can be switched by touching.
I want to put it on the market by the end of this month. :-)
Please IM to Myuse Swindlehurst if you have an old version and want to get a new version. Thank you.
http://orangeforest.blog.shinobi.jp/non%20categoried/the%20main%20shop%20is%20being%20redecorated%20now.%20%20-%20%E6%9C%AC%E5%BA%97%E6%94%B9%E8%A3%85%E4%B8%AD%E3%81%A7%E3%81%99%E3%80%82The main shop is being redecorated now. / 本店改装中です。
Hello, now we developing a new structure "O.F Brick Warehouse".
Large size (WDH: 60m x 60m x 30m) and realistic brick textures.
We will release it until this month.
All the side doorways and front entrance has shutter which can open and shut.
The roof can be opened and shut like hinged double doors.
You can see all function of this wearhouse via the following video. Please see it.
Hello, Now I finished the development of the latest SPEEDER/TIBIEEDER series and released.
The model name of new product is TIBIEEDER M-213 Devil Edition.
We made it imaging the flying devil.
- Changed History -
Dec. 28 2010, Added new color model (Snow Devil Edition)
Feb. 11 2011, Added video for Snow Devil
::: TIBIEEDER M-213 Snow Devil Edition (SDE) :::
::: TIBIEEDER M-213 Black Devil Edition (BDE) :::
Orange Forest always gives the name of TIBIEEDER to the compact size airframe of SPEEDER series. Currently, we released black color only. We plan to add White, Purple color model in the future. On Dec,28 2010, We added new color model (Snow Devil Edition).
Please see the TIBIEEDER's additional photos at the bottom of this page or clicking these vendor textures.
::: TIBIEEDER M-213 Black Devil Edition (BDE) :::
The new TIBIEEDER has a roof hatch which can open and close.
And, this Devil TIBIEEDER has a high detailed parking stand which can appear at parking.
You can attach this devil's tail on flight in easy way if you want.
Please see the following video which shows the demonstration of how to use the tail attachment. You can attach it by answering "yes" to 2 dialog's question.
The tail attachment object can appear only area where you have build permission.
Black Devil Edition
Snow Devil Edition
L$780, Copy/No-Mod/No-Trans
Prims, Seats
Airframe : 32 Prims, 3 Seats
Tail Attachment : 124 Temporary Prims
Parking Stand : 212 Temporary Prims, 5 Sitting Positions
Built in full-physical hover flight script (Havok7 ready, Allows you to fly up to 4096m)
Cruise flight control mode
It keeps the current speed (engine power)
by pushing the forward or back arrow keys once.
The pilot can switch a normal/cruise mode from dialog.
Roof Hatch (M-213 New!!)
Owner can open/close roof hatch at anytime from dialog.
Detail-up (Tail) Attachment (M-213 New!!)
The tail attachment can rez by TIBIEEDER and automatically attach it to avatar.
Parking Stand (M-213 New!! 2-types)
TIBIEEDER can rez the 2 types of mechanical
stand object for parking itself by operating the dialog.
Several cute sitting pose are embedded in this stand.
Dynamic camera pitch angle control
The pitch angle of the avatar's floating camera view is controlled according to the
angle of the airframe. When diving and zooming, you might see an exciting spectacle.
Turbo Boost
The acceleration quadruples when selecting it from the dialog.
Reduction of full prim of crash risk when it moves between SIMs
(Note: This doesn't cover the factor of all crashes)
Animated Airframe
The airframe shines by the animated texture.
Special explosion effect
A mysterious explosion particle appears when you delete the airframe.
3 controllable seats
The owner and the passenger can control this TIBEEDER from any of these seats.
Dynamic pitch angle control of the airframe according to the up/down
Dynamic roll angle control of the airframe according to the turn
Dynamic engine sound control according to pilot's control
Dynamic rocket nozzle control
The direction of rocket nozzle is dynamically rotated according
to motion of the airframe.
Switchable pilot while flying
It transfers TIBIEEDER's control to other passengers from owner by operating dialog menu.
Only 1 user can operate it at the same time
The passenger can control it only while the owner is sitting.
4 x speed transmission (slow/medium/fast/crazy) on normal control mode
+100% to -100%, 20steps engine power control on cruise control mode
Color smoke (on/off)
The discharge of the color smoke can be selected by the dialog while flying.
Blink beacon light (on/off)
The beacon marker's blinking can be selected by the dialog while flying.
Bang! (Explode and destruct itself)
It will explode in ten seconds when selecting it by the dialog.
御意見、御要望は Myuse Swindlehurst まで IM 下さい。
Click photos and you can jump to Orange Forest's Flickr photostream.
TIBIEEDER Model-213 Snow Devil Edition
::: Flight Scene :::
::: Bottom View :::
::: Cockpit :::
::: Lean forward from rear seat :::
TIBIEEDER Model-213 Black Devil Edition
::: Sitting on the Parking Stand :::
::: Cockpit :::
::: Wing Mechanism :::
::: Flight using devil's tail attachment :::
::: Flight without devil's tail attachment and opening roof hatch :::
http://orangeforest.blog.shinobi.jp/announcement/the%20new%20color%20of%20o.f%20tibieeder%20model-213%20-snow%20devil%20edition-%20released%20%20--The new color of O.F TIBIEEDER Model-213 (Snow Devil Edition) released !!