Hi, A happy new year !
Orange Forest released a new color of TIBEEDER.
New color TIBEEDER can be bought in all of Orange Forest stores.
How do you do when moving in the SIM or several SIMs with your friend wonderfully?
TIBIEEDER is a hovering style of aircraft like a helicopter.
It always float in the air even if it stop. Thus you can control it very easily.
Please refer to the following link for details of TIBEEDER.
Other 4 colors of TIBIEEDER have already been being put on the market in our shops.
::: White :::
::: Metal :::
::: Orange :::
::: Green :::
3-seats, 24prims
The owner and the passenger can control this TIBEEDER
from any of these seats.
Copy, No-Modify, No-Trans
Built in full-physical hover flight script
(Allows you to fly up to 4096m height)
Supported the pitching of the airframe according to the turn
Switchable 2 camera mode (smooth/fixed)
Supported the guest pilot mode
It transfers TIBIEEDER's control to other passengers
from owner by operating dialog menu.
Only 1 user can operate it at the same time
The passenger can control it only while the owner is sitting.
Selectable 4 speed mode (slow/medium/fast/creazy)
Rotatable rocket engine
Color smoke (on/off)
Blinkable beacon light (on/off)
Bang! (Explode and destruct itself)
Flight & Horn sound effect
Built in online help
How to Fly
There are only 2 steps for starting flight.
1. Rez this TIBEEDER from your inventory
2. Sit on any of the seat of this TIBEEDER
-> TIBEEDER turns physical on and the flight becomes possible.
Key Assignment
You can drive this TIBEEDER with the same keyboard assignment of avatar's flight.
W or up arrow : go forward
S or down arrow : go backward
shift+A or left arrow : left slide
shift+D or right arrow : right slide
E or PgUp : up vertically
C or PgDn : down vertically
A or left arrow : turn left
D or right arrow : turn right
Mouse Wheel (Ctrl-0, Ctrl-9) : Adjust camera distance
Dialog Menu
You can configure this TIBEEDER via the following dialog menu that appears by touching this TIBEEDER's body.
"*" sign of menu button appears only while flying.
help : show this message note
reset : reset system
switch pilot* : alternates control with other passengers
speed* : show the speed configuration sub-menu
medium (default)
camera* : show the camera mode sub menu
fixed : switch to fixed camera angle
smooth (default) : switch to floating camera angle
beacon* : show the beacon effect sub menu
blink (default) : switch to blinking light
smoke : switch to emitting color smoke
off : disable beacon effect
bang! : explode and destruct itself after 10 secs
::: TIBEEDER (Ocean Blue) :::
::: TIBEEDER (Metal) :::
::: TIBEEDER (Orange) on the O.F Mother Airship's deck :::
We hope you have a nice flight in the SKY !
Please send IM to Myuse Swindlehurst if you have something question or if you deletect the delivering problem.
http://orangeforest.blog.shinobi.jp/english/-eng-%20the%20new%20color%20of%20tibieeder%20now%20in%20store[ENG] The new color of TIBIEEDER Now In Store
http://orangeforest.blog.shinobi.jp/product%20info/2009%20%E6%96%B0%E6%98%A5%E5%88%9D%E5%A3%B2%E3%82%8A%20tibieeder%20special%20box%E2%99%AA2009 新春初売り TIBIEEDER Special Box♪