アメリカの古き良き時代へ/Road to Americana
Unfortunately, O.F Sky Yard moves along with the close of Airship Caravan SIM at the end of the Oct, 2008. New O.F Sky Yard is located in MagSL Tokyo - ikebukuro (ikebukuro/215/178/21). We used the airship which is our product as a store.
MagSL Tokyo is one of the biggest scale of Japanese residence area. It consists of about 20 islands. The fashion and the culture of Japan prospers at there.
::: Black Airship on the MagSL Mirai SIM :::
Orange Forest constructed a new Sky Yard and Airship shop at there. And most products of Orange Forest that contains Mother Airship have been exhibited there. You can buy all products and freebies in the shop in the cabin of the airship.
::: Airship Cabin and Shop Space :::
::: Airship Deck :::
The New Sky Yard and Airship shop is composed of some places. Each place can be smoothly moved with Warp Ports.
::: The New Sky Yard :::
::: The New Sky Yard (Bottom View) :::
::: The airship which was moored by mooring post :::
::: The gurden terrace :::
::: The Orange Forest Lighthouse :::
Orange Forest welcome your visit and please enjoy DEMO with aircrafts, amusement rides. Thank you.[ENG] Orange Forest Sky Yard and Airship shop moves at the end of Oct, 2008.