One day, A big apple fell down from sky and it crashed into airship. (゚д゚;) Therefore, The Orange Forest Main Store collapsed.
This display will continue to closing of the Ginza SIM at the end of November. Please visit !!
New Main Shop in Japan SIM is already opened. Please visit new shop if you buy or try Orange Forest's products !!
ある日、空から大きな林檎が降ってきて飛行船にぶつかり (゚д゚;)、それが原因でオレンジフォレスト本店は崩壊しました。
Japan SIM の新本店は既にオープンしており、
Myuse Swindlehurst
http://orangeforest.blog.shinobi.jp/announcement/ginza%20store%20crashed%E3%80%80--%EF%BE%9F%D0%B4%EF%BE%9F---Ginza Store Crashed *(゚д゚;)*
[Jump to Japanese]
Hello, We inform you that we relocated Orange Forest's head store along with closing of Ginza SIM at the end of November. The new place is Japan SIM of the next door in the Ginza SIM.
::: New Main Store :::
::: Map View (Before & After) :::
All the products of Orange Forest are sold in this head store. And here displays MotherAirship, Speeder M-106, TIBIEEDER M-203, TIBIEEDER M-213, Floating Isle with Waterfall, Dolphin, Freefall and Dolphin. Please visit and enjoy DEMOs !!
こんにちわ、オレンジフォレストは本年11月末のGinza SIM 閉鎖に伴い、
下の地図の通り、本店を隣のJapan SIMに移動することにしました。
::: マップビュー (Before & After) :::
新しい本店では従来通り、オレンジフォレストが手がけた全ての製品の販売と、MotherAirship, Speeder M-106, TIBIEEDER M-203, TIBIEEDER M-213, Floating Isle with Waterfall, Dolphin, Freefall そして Dolphinの展示を行っております。
http://orangeforest.blog.shinobi.jp/announcement/the%20head%20store%20was%20relocated%20-%20%E6%9C%AC%E5%BA%97%E3%82%92%E7%A7%BB%E8%BB%A2%E3%81%97%E3%81%BE%E3%81%97%E3%81%9F%E3%80%82The head store was relocated / 本店を移転しました。
Hello, Orange Forest released a new product "Sandbag Chair Set". Low price, Low prim and realistic detail with sitting sound and multiple animations. This chair assumes the both of outdoor and indoor use.
[Jump to 日本語]
2011/10/02: Updated display location
::: Pine Wood :::
::: Old Wood :::
- L$50, Copy/No-Mod/No-Trans
- Long Chair, Single Chair and Table included
- Long Chair :
3prims, 3seats, 3animations
- Single Chair :
3prims, 1seat, 5animations
- Table :
3prims, 3seats, 4animations
- Animation changes at every sitting
- Sitting sound
Sample Photos
Please visit Orange Forest Seaside Square and rest at there.
Garage Shop @ Orange Forest Seaside Square
We hope you have a nice time with Orange Forest's product.
Please IM to "Myuse Swindlehurst" if you have something question or if you detect the delivering problem. Thank you !!
[Jump to English]
- L$50, Copy/No-Mod/No-Trans
- パッケージに Long Chair, Single Chair, Table を含む
- Long Chair :
3prims, 3seats, 3animations
- Single Chair :
3prims, 1seat, 5animations
- Table :
3prims, 3seats, 4animations
- 着席の度に切り替わるアニメーション
- 着席サウンド(砂袋風)
御意見、御質問等は Myuse Swindlehurst までIM下さい。
http://orangeforest.blog.shinobi.jp/product%20info/o.f%20sandbag%20chair%20set%20now%20in%20store%20--%20-%20%E3%82%B5%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89%E3%83%90%E3%83%83%E3%82%B0%E3%83%81%E3%82%A7%E3%82%A2%E3%82%BB%E3%83%83%E3%83%88%E3%83%AA%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9%E3%81%97%E3%81%BE%E3%81%97%E3%81%9F%E3%80%82O.F Sandbag Chair Set now in Store !! / サンドバッグチェアセットリリースしました。
[Jump to Japanese]
2011/10/02 Updated: Moved display location
Today, Orange Forest released a new Marine Lamp.
This sculpted lamp has a realistic body and emits the wonderful lighting particles. It also has function of local light and it can lighten your room or your garden.
::: Marine Lamp Vendor :::
This product includes 2 colors of lamps.
Each lamp consists of 8 prims. Owner can copy and resize these lamps.
This lamp has the lighting control script and owner can switch Blink/ON/Off by touching it.
- 8Prims x 2Color Variations
- Copy/Modify/No-Trans
- L$30
- Switchable ON/Off/Blink lighting by owner's touch.
O.F Seaside Square - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Snout/86/46/27
A marine lamp is packed in the wood box and delivered to you.
This wood box has pose script and you can use this wood box as a garden accent too.
::: Wood Box - Scripted :::
Please IM to Myuse Swindlehurst if you have an old version and want to get a new version. Please enjoy !! Thank you.
- 8Prims x 2Color Variations
- Copy/Modify/No-Trans
- L$30
- Switchable ON/Off/Blink lighting by owner's touch.
旧版のマリンランプをお持ちの方はMyuse Swindlehurstまで御連絡頂ければ最新版を差し上げます。それではオレンジフォレストの製品をお楽しみ下さい。ではでは~
http://orangeforest.blog.shinobi.jp/product%20info/the%20new%20marine%20lamp%20now%20in%20store%20--The new Marine Lamp now in store !!
2011/10/02 Updated: Moved display location
::: O.F Brick Garage 2 Colors Pack ::: L$480 , 51Prims Copy/Mod/No-Trans
Today, we released a new structure in the Orange Forest product line.
"O.F Brick Garage" is multi-purpose structure which is suitable for a garage or workshop or commercial use. The shutter, the room lamp, the skylight, and the back door are installed in the garage of an antique brick. It is 12mx18m size and 51 prims. You can copy, modify but NO transfer. The package contains 2 types of garage which has different brick color and floor pattern. (Type-A, Type-B)
[Sample Display]
::: O.F Brick Garage Type-A :::
[Sample Display]
::: O.F Brick Garage Type-B :::
The shutter is 10m in width, and 5m in height. It is rolled up or rolled down smoothly and slowly with realistic sound by your touch.
::: Shutter Movie :::
The room lamp can switch by your touch. And the room fan can switch to 2 rotational speeds by your touch. The back door opens by touch, and it will close in 30 seconds automatically.
::: Room Lamp :::
The shutter, the back door, the lamp, and the room fan can limit the operator by the following chat command.
/1 lock owner
Only the owner can operate the door, shutter, fan and lamp in this garage.
/1 lock group
Only group member and owner can operate the door, shutter, fan and lamp in this garage.
/1 lock none (default)
Anyone can operate this garage's function.
This garage also has installed the 2 poses in the roof. Please do not think about the reason :)
::: Sit Poses :::
We use this garage as a shop and a personal space. Please visit in world.
Please overwrite the signboard texture in yours if you use it as a shop.
O.F Seaside Square - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Snout/114/86/30
O.F Griffin Park (Closed)
O.F Airship Factory (Closed)
Please send IM to Myuse Swindlehurst if you have something question or if you detect the delivering problem.
http://orangeforest.blog.shinobi.jp/product%20info/o.f%20brick%20garage%20now%20in%20store%20--O.F Brick Garage Now In Store !!