It waits for the day of departure.
Added parking stand.
Owner can rez this stand from dialog command.
The both side of main engine stops automatically when parking stand rezed.
The design of this stand may change.
A mini commuter (TIBIEEDER) can rez from dialog on the rear open deck. Owner and guest can control this TIBIEEDER and enjoy flight together.
The sky ship hovered on the Linden's public sea. On hovering, The main engine automatically directs vertical angle.
Bottom View - People will look up at the sky ship which flies in this way.
下からの眺め - 人々は飛翔するスカイシップをこのように見上げるでしょう
Interior - Bar, the lounge, and the meeting space are planned.
内装 - バー、ラウンジ、そしてミーティングスペースを計画しています。
Hello, This is the PART2 of a sky ship manufacture report.
Added rotating rocket engine control. It rotates automatically according to a flight posture.
The interior of a ship is still under preparation. ;-)
::: Oh! Mistake :::
1 more thing ... Does the red SkyShip have a 3 times faster than normal's ? :-)
A large sky ship uses a new non-physics script engine and flied secondlife's sky.
We are creating this large sky ship as the next product.
It is constituted over 40m length, and 250 prim.
We are planning putting many passengers on this SkyShip and making it fly with a unphysics engine.
Currently, no-interior and no-gimmicks ;-)