Hello, Orange Forest finished developing and released O.F Brick Warehouse. Orange Forest Brick Warehouse is a large structure with realistic brick texture and includes the several comfortable mechanism (Rezzer, Shutter, Double Hinged Roof).
2013/02/23 Updated to Ver1.3
Prim count (Land Impact) reduced 362 to 212.
Please see the following YouTube video which shows all function of this Brick Warehouse.
Spec Overview
Please refer this online manual for more detail and usage.
Price: L$2500
9 Objects, Total 362 212 Prims
Copy/Mod/No-Trans for objects
(Please modify this object at your own risk)
Copy/No-Mod/No-Trans for scripts
Size(WDH): 60m x 60m x 30m
1 Front Wide Shutter (40m width x 23m height)
User can open and close from dialog or touching shutter itself
4 Side Shutters
User can open and close by touching shutter’s frame or shutter itself
Double hinged roof
User can open and close from dialog.
Easy object locator
User can rez and unrez sub-modules from main module via dialog operation.
All sub-modules arranges itself at an appropriate location.
Access Control
Owner can select operator (Owner/Group/Everyone) of this Brick Warehouse via “Security” button in dialog which appears by touching the main object.
Please contact to Myuse Swindlehurst if you have questions, claims or delivering problem.
Thank you.