This is an official blog of Orange Forest who is the aircraft developer in the Secondlife virtual world.




Known Issue Announcement (Havok4)

[English text follows]

maximum speed test
Maximum speed test at Vehicle Sandbox

こんばんわ♪ Myuse@OrangeForest です。
とうとうやってきましたー 待望の Havok4 ですよ♪
Orange Forest の乗り物系の製品群はほぼ全て Havok4 導入に伴い顕在化した各種の問題に遭遇することが分かりました。


これらの問題は SIM のリセットに伴って現れることが多く、オブジェクトについてまわり、スクリプトの入れ替えやリセットでは回避不能です。
  • FreeFall
    menu > stop > menu > start
  • Elevator, Speeder
    rezしたままのオブジェクトは削除して新たにインベントリから rez
    1) 動かなくなったオブジェクトを右クリックして「削除」
    2) インベントリから同じものを再度 rez

不明な点などはどうぞミューズ(Myuse Swindlehurst)までIMで御相談下さい。


Hi, I'm Myuse Swindlehurst of Orange Forest Aircraft Works.
Thank you very much for visiting our blog and being interested in our products !!
Unfortunately, I have to report to you on the trouble which has relation with Havok4 physical environment.

The following issue lists in JIRA causes problem to our products.
These problem may be appear after resetting SIM.
The object after this problem appears doesn't react to any operation.
I can offer the following workaround for avoiding these problem.
Please try it if you detect something problem.
  • FreeFall
    Operate dialog menu and re-rez free fall seat
    menu > stop > menu > start
  • Elevator, Speeder
    Re-rez the "clean" copy object.
    1) right-click current object and select "delete" instead of "take".
    2) rez a new copy of object from your inventory
Please sent IM to Myuse Swindlehurst if you have a question about Orange Forest's product.
We welcome your feedback ;-) Thank you.

Orange Forest Elevator Model-101 at Bunkyo Airship Shop