This is an official blog of Orange Forest who is the aircraft developer in the Secondlife virtual world.




O.F TIBIEEDER Model-103 Discontinued / 販売終了のお知らせ

Hello, Thank you for using Orange Forest product.
We end sales of O.F TIBIEEDER Model-103 in this July.
We are glad that many user flew with O.F TIBIEEDER Model-103.

Of course, The user support continues by Myuse Swindlehurst.
Please send IM to me if you have a question, claim and etc about TIBIEEDER

~ * ~

この度、私共は O.F TIBIEEDER Model-103 の販売をこの7月を以って終了させて頂きます。
多くのユーザーがTIBIEEDER Model-103 共に空を飛んで下さったことをうれしく思います。

もちろん、ユーザーサポートは Myuse Swindlehurst が継続致します。

Thank you !!